

Göteborg 20-9-2024

Rebecka Rasmussons SVT miniserie ”Drömmen om ett Paradis”, som jag skriver musiken till och senare även kommer ljudlägga, har pausats fram till Jan/Feb 2025… Vilket har gett mig lite vita fält i kalendern!

Så om någonting kul är på G… Hook me up!


Göteborg 27-8-2024

Its time to roll out the Red Carpet… for TV-Kristallen awards 2024! Uppdrag granskning has been nominated with two films in the Investigation section. And i wrote some of the OriginalScore in both of them! Fingers crossed…

The 5/9 we will know. The competition is real…


Gothenburg 18.06.2024

Right now i am creating hundreds of tiny FoleySounds to a underwaterdocumentary by Tobias Dahlin. There will be a shorter version for SVT and a longer 5.1 mix for the Cinema. Sounddesign and mix by yours truly.



Today Artistduo Cooper & Gorfers Exhibition called ”SIRENS”, will have its Premiere at Fotografiska, Shanghai.
I composed a Custom made 60min soundtrack for six paintings in the gallery that is moving.

My plan was to go there and see it… But life got in between. You can enjoy the Soundscape here:


I had the privilege to compose music to Sara Moeins film THE CHILDREN FROM CAMP ASHRAF. With a little assistans from the amazing Violaplayer – Alma Möller. The score is slow, meditative pending between Sweden and Iran in the Soundscape.
I also did the Sounddesign and mix on this film. Go see it! Premiere at Gothenburg filmfestival 31/1/2024.


Atalante, Gothenburg 8-12-2023

It is a great privilage, as a freelance to be sometimes randomly thrown into some projects on short notice. THE GAP by Liza Penkova is one of them. She needed assistance with the Sounddesign and i jumped on board. Its was a crew of light, costume, dramaturg and performer from different nationalities. Finland, Portugal, Russia, Italy and Austria. I belive to move… is the key to evolve. Try different things. This short gig inspired me and gave me idéas and perspective to the longer projects im involved in. So thank you!

Cooper & Gorfer


A new cooperation is on its way with Cooper & Gorfer. I will be sounddesigning for large moving paintings, and the premiere will be in april 2024 on the other side of the globe…

Keywords: Fotografiska, Videoinstallation, Odyssey, Sirens, Kabuki, Lighthouse, Giants…


18-8-2023, Gothenburg

Right now im composing for a Documentary by Sara Moen! Produced by ATMO/Stockholm and SVT. I will also be doing the soundediting/mix and design later on. Keywords: Mojahedin, War, Iran, Memories, Childsoldiers, Middleeast, Resistance. Im trying to find all the personal sounds for the characters. This is the way…


Gothenburg 5-3-2023

I have done soundediting and mix on a documentary about the Swedish rocker Ola Magnell. It will have its premiere at TEMPOfestival in Stockholm 9/3. In April it will be broadcasted on SVT. Pretty interesting material. Ola Magnell – Den motvillige rockpoeten.


24.11.2022, Downtown Las Vegas

The Swedish Art Grants Committee gave my own filmproject money to go to Las Vegas and do some shooting.

A film about Tim Greenlee, a 81 year old ex soldier and Vietnam Veteran/Jewelry Artist.

Its my first own film where i as a Composer and Sounddesigner grab the camera to see what happens if i tell a story by layering pictures to my music and sound, instead of the traditional other way. Very exiting…

In this film i want the sound and music to come first together with dialog. Like editing with black frames only. Repetitions… Constant movement and changes. Memories. What is true and not? Its a very interesting way of experimenting by putting picture to sound. Thinking random/backwards. Just like the human brain is constantly processing pictures and sound. Trying to make sense. Repairing, creating, lying and telling the truth.

HERE is a Roughcut.


Gothenburg 16.10.2022

The Escapisimo studio has been rebuilt and updated with a powerful Mac Pro 2019 and the latest Pro Tools Ultimate. Im also now featured in Film i Västs Catalog of Postproduction Companies in Västra Götaland.

Hook me up for a new adventure: HERE


Gothenburg 14.9.2022

I was recently editing, mixing and sounddesigning a new international version of a Documentary that i also wrote the music for 2019. It was fun to aproach my old steems and ”remix” some scenes. I created new music using atmospheres and some new planted sounds. Here is an example how i gave one transition life by using a trafficlight, that slowly turns into a rythm/music when she talks about her surreal feeling. So i made it… even more surreal. These details REALLY matter. Transitions that makeup/hide traditional cuts makes a big difference.


Malmö 03-06-2022

Once again i have left the world of Film och entered the exiting world of Contemporary Dance. As a composer i am creating the score for the Italian Chorographer Fabio Libertis 8 dancer piece: Dont Kiss Skånes. Its a 40min performance on the theme of relationships and the meaning of the Kiss. The premiere will be in Helsingborg 18/6 and after that it will tour in Sweden and Denmark.


9-5-2022, Gothenburg

The Daily Telegraph U.K gives ARICA 5/5 in a review. Mentioning the Score:
”To point out that we’re kept in suspense makes the film sound exploitative, thriller-ish: 
instead, it has urgency, compassion and a ringingly forthright power”



Efva Liljas performance ”Kärlekens samtal är dans” had its Premiere last Thursday. And it was a success! I absolutely love this place… The concrete, the colors. Efva started this place in the 90-s. We received standing ovations and the Music/Sound/Light was perfect. HERE is a nice review from SVD. (In Swedish) Looking forward playing this at Atalante, Gothenburg in September.


Gothenburg 28-02-2022

Great news! I have launched a new Website for my Abtract Painting. www.highwayhypnosis.se

And right now i am tweaking the final tones and textures for Efva Liljas Performance ”Loves conversation is dance”. The 14/3 i will travel to Stockholm and work with Efva on location for a week until the Premiere at WELD 17/3. Book your tickets HERE. Down below is a video from the studio and the Composingprocess!

Reality is punching body and mind. Ouch, ouch, ouch! My body sings. It makes a god-awful noise, yet enjoyable at times. I vibrate and my feet engage in small, barely visible jumps. Forwards, I move forwards with a body that can be heard and seen in all directions. I dance away everything ugly and envious, my dance is a resistance movement, the poetry of life, the voice of love. 

FÖRDOM STOLTHET – En Queer filmhistoria

Gothenburg 28-02-2022

Great reviews in all the Swedish major newspapers and sites for Eva Belings FeatureDocumentary! The premiere was last friday, and there is a 58min TV-version that will be broadcasted on SVT later this year. I created the Sounddesign and final 5.1 mixes for both versions. It is a very interesting, educational film with many legends in it. So go see it!


31-12-2021, Gothenburg

The last day of 2021 has arriwed. And its been a weird one. The pandemic keeps on raging, but i have been blessed with work and having the opportunity to stay isolated, working and healthy.

2021 was also the year when i started painting again! Im renting the space above my studio, where i can go crazy with my colors n stuff. Its a dream come thru. And a absolutely necessary one. I need to escape the world of music and sound every now and then. My plan is to have a exhibition somewhere in 2022.

Looking back this year i was kind of suprised how much i did get done! That is:

  • Efva Lilja – Kärlekens samtal är dans (Music for Contemporary dance)
  • Margrete – Queen of the north (Sound editing for the TV-serie)
  • Cooper & Gorfer – Between these folded walls (Music for a videoinstallation + Music/Soundmix for a Minidoc)
  • Miriam Bryant – P.s Jag hatar dig (Sounddesign/Mix for Cinematic Musicvideo/short feature)
  • Christina Olofson – Call Me Madame Maestro (Sounddesign/Mix for Documentary)
  • Laika film – ARICA (Music for featuredocumentary)
  • Eva Beling – Swedish filmQueer (Sounddesign/mix for featuredocumentary)

Its a wrap! Whishing you a HAPPY/HEALTHY NEW 2022!✨🥂


Stockholm 19.10.2021

Sold out Premiere for Christina Olofsons Featuredoc ”Call me Madame Maestro” at Zita, Stockholm. From the Left – Me (Sounddesign/Mix), Jonas Goldmann (Locationsound), Daniella Elmqvist Prah (Producer/Filmkreatörerna) Charlotta Tengroth FSF (D.o.p), Kerstin Nerbe (Conductor) and Christina Olofson (Director/Producer). Britta Norell FSK (Editor) is also on location but still in the audience.


Gothenburg 29-9-2021

Swedish Popstar @miriambryant has been in my studio earlier this year, secretly recording dialogue for a 20min short! Directed by @danielmattiasson. And i created the Sounddesign and mix for it!

For two evenings in November, Filmstaden's Cinema Rigoletto in Stockholm is transformed into a concert stage. Miriam Bryant gives four exclusive live gigs where she for the first time plays the music from her new album “PS. I hate you". But PS. I Hate You is not only an album, but also a 20-minute feature film, directed by Daniel Mattiasson, in which Miriam herself plays the lead role together with Kardo Razzazi. The film is an emotional portrait of the album music and is shown before the concert. This is followed by a conversation between Daniel Hallberg and Miriam Bryant on stage before the show starts.

"PS. I hate you" - a concert, a movie and a conversation - live at the Rigoletto cinema on November 17.

Get your ticket HERE!


Gothenburg 26.8.2021

The poster for Charlotte Sielings ”Margrete – Queen of the north” is here! And will hit the cinemas 16.09.2021. Sounddesigner Rune Palving was back in my studio in Gothenburg to collect the harddrive with the three episodes for the TV-series that i edited. Four weeeks of copy/paste and arranging new Foley and ADR. It will be broadcasted in the spring of 2022. Im very exited to a part of SF Studios largest production so far! And it is a massive ”Game of thrones” kind of film… Belive me.


Gothenburg 30.7.2021

Christina Olofsons brilliant Featuredocumentary ”Call me madame Maestro” is now done! HERE is the trailer and Christinas presentation at the Swedish Filminstitute SFI, in Stockholm. (In Swedish)
DCP now tested at Capitol and now its set for premiere at Folkets bio in October 2021!
Soundediting and Finalmix by yours truly.


Gothenburg 09.05.2021

Right now i am soundediting/designing for the legendary Christina Olofson!
A featuredocumentary hitting the cinemas later this year. Its a followup to her previous film ”Dirigenterna” that she did in 1987. A film about female conductors and their struggle in a ”male-genious” dominant craft. Its a real privilege to mix these orchestras in 5.1 surround! Finalmix will be done in the beginning of July.


Stockholm 13-3-2021

Arica had its premiere yesterday and is getting some fine reviews! Its currently 3,5 at Kritiker.se
Its also available at drakenfilm under Tempo Doc festival.


30-11-2020, Gothenburg

Arica Official Trailer from Laika Film & Television on Vimeo.

The documentary ARICA that i composed originalscore to. Had its worldpremiere at IDFA Frontlife in Amsterdam the 23/11!
And HERE is a great review.

In 1984, the Swedish mining company Boliden had toxic waste shipped to Chile, where it was supposed to be properly processed. In reality, some of the waste was dumped on the outskirts of the desert town of Arica. The consequences were severe: in the years that followed, residents developed cancer and many babies were born with birth defects.

Superexiting to see what happens next!…
Right HERE more interesting info is to be found.


20-11-2020, Aarhus DK

The premiere was a success! We had a small Q & A from stage and of course i got a question about my process with the music… Not that easy to answer in a piece without beginning or end. But im very proud of being part of this! It turned out really good. And Theatre Bora bora is such a cool place. When the audience arriwed with their facemasks on they received a small paperbag that contained snacks and a small bottle of redwine. Thats Denmark!
HERE is a great review that gave 5 out of 5 stars. And my music up on Bandcamp right HERE.


15-11-2020, Aarhus,DK

The virus keeps raging all over the planet. And most theaters and venues are shutting down. I was lucky being involved in an international production as a composer for two Italian choreographers that is being premiered in Aarhus/Denmark. The restrictions here for culture events are not that hard. Yet!

Its a full production by Visual Theatre BORA BORA. Premiere next thursday 19/11.


Pelarsalen, Gothenburg 26.10.2020

Im escaping the world of composing music for Contemporary art for a few days. Back in Sweden to do some Sound design for SVT and an upcoming K-Special for SVT. Its an interesting documentary by Eva Beling from ”The Swedish filmcloset”. Going both for a Featurelength and a shorter TV version. Edited by Patrik Forsell. The finalmix will be in December. First i need to put my mouthcover on one more time and fly to Denmark for the two final weeks with premiere of #ASIFIHAVEMISSEDMYSELF.


Aarhus, Denmark 11-10-2020

Im back in beautiful Aarhus again. Working with Fabio Liberti and Emanuele Rosa scoring their piece ”As if i have missed myself”. We already had two recidencys here with this project when we experimented and tried some stuff.
Now its a full production going on with four weeks of hard work and premiere is set for the 19.th Nov.
The place is BORA BORA!


Gothenburg 29.08.2020

Yesterday Cooper & Gorfers exhibition ”BETWEEN THESE FOLDED WALLS, UTOPIA” had premiere at Fotografiska in New York, Manhattan, USA. It was originally suposed to have premiere in Mars but then Corona arriwed… So it got cancelled as the US closed its borders! Strange days indeed… We still cant travel to the USA to see it, but i have seen pictures from visitors and they love it! HERE is a review from The guardian.
My part in this collaboration was to write music and create sound design to a 15min documentary about the project. And music/Sound design for a videoinstallation called ”Eternal Play” running as a loop in the middle of the exhibition.
The exhibition will travel to London, Stockholm and many other places. More info HERE


1.5.2020 Gothenburg

Strange days indeed! Im composing in my studio in Gothenburg and the rest of team is working in TEATER SORT/HVID in Copenhagen.
The Performance written and Choreographed by Fabio Liberti is a solopiece with Arina Trostyanetskaya. And will have a Streamed Premiere LIVE the 27/5.

One million selfies are published every day on social media, worldwide. But what seems a purely narcissistic act, also reflects a need for social contact and approval – the need to be liked. The ‘Like’-button provides a momentary satisfaction and at the same time it measures one’s value. But the images we share, often retouched and altered, donot construct our identity, they fragment it.

In #ASIFILOOKEDLIKEME performer, Arina Trostyanetskaya, finds herself having to coexist with the images of herself that she has, knowingly or unknowingly, created.

Her identity continuously transitions between virtual and real, and the intersection, the thin line that separates the two, becomes more and more difficult to identify. What is virtual is perhaps telling us more, than what is real. We have always perceived our ‘self’ through the eyes of the other, but as our virtual persona is becoming a bigger part of our self-perception, things are getting increasingly more complicated. And we are, once again, forced to ask ourselves, all over again; Who am I really?


29.4.2020 Gothenburg

Proud being part of this important project by Madeleine May and OCCRP. A film about modern slaves that had its premiere on Bosnian on Al Jazeera Balkans yesterday. It can also be seen with the full story here.


22-4-2020, Gothenburg

Today i was a guest teacher at The Norwegian Film School through the platform ZOOM, together with 17 students and their teacher. Talking about the artistic process as a Sound designer in Jonathan Bjerstedts Experimental film ”Lydmanus” two years ago. He gave me five random still pictures that he didnt look at. And i created a 5 min soundscape with no music which he later listened to and started shooting film with. Working reverse. Putting film to sound. The film is called LYDMANUS and can be seen HERE.


Gothenburg, 18-2-2020

A few months ago i was contacted by the American/Austrian Artistduo Cooper & Gorfer to create Sound Design and compose music to a 9 min Installationfilm that will premiere at their exhibition at FOTOGRAFISKA in Manhattan/New York, 26-3-2020.
I am also Composing and Sound designing a 15 min Documentary about the project.
Shot and edited by DOP Camilla Topuntoli.
Be there – or be square.

Cooper & Gorfer comprises the artists Sarah Cooper (US, 1974) and Nina Gorfer (Austria, 1979). Their work focuses on the female aspects of cultural identity. Based on the stories and lives of the women they meet and collaborated with, Cooper & Gorfer explore issues of memory, migration, dislocation, and the malleability of identity.

The artist duo are known for their distinct hybrid portraits. Their photo-based collages are anchored in an anthropological research of people, place and the genius loci. They reimagine the tradition of portraiture by visually examining and deconstructing the narrative of those they portray. Like art history’s Mannerists and Surrealists or literature’s Magical Realism, Cooper & Gorfer strain observable reality through a complex psychological filter of memories, moods and wounds.

Cooper & Gorfer began their collaboration in 2006. They live and work in Gothenburg.

Cooper & Gorfer have had several solo exhibitions, among others, at Fotografiska Stockholm, Hasselblad Center Gothenburg, Kulturhuset Stockholm, Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt and the National Museum of Photography Copenhagen. Cooper & Gorfer’s work is included in several private and museum collections, including the National Gallery of Iceland. They have been awarded the German Photo Book Award 2018, and are Hasselblad Ambassadors.


31-1-2020, Aarhus, Denmark

Im in the beautiful city of Aarhus! For a Artist in residence at BORA BORA – Dance and visual Theatre. For one week in will be tweaking sounds in a Blackbox with two Italian dancers – Fabio Liberti and Emanuele Rosa. After that i will continue working from my studio in Gothenburg. Research is fun! Im exploring the Volca synths i bought in Paris. The premiere will be in November here at Bora Bora. And the name is: AS IF I HAVE MISSED MYSELF.


Gothenburg 22.01.2020

VILLFARELSEN from Per-Henrik Maenpaa on Vimeo.

Mixing layers of tapeloops and layers of footage from my deserttrips. Trumpet being performed by Klara Fulgentiusson Ejeby. My first studio some 30 years ago was a 4-track cassette recorder. Today, combined with the digital mixingpowers and workflow it is absolutely gorgeous! I just love the randomness is brings.


Gothenburg 20.01.2020

TAPELOOP II from Per-Henrik Maenpaa on Vimeo.

It all started with me bying a brand new Tascam 414 Portastudio on E-bay, from a guy in Texas a few months ago.
A BRAND new, unused from 1999… Almost impossible to find.
But here it is together with some High´Bias original cassettes from 1983!
And it sound sooo good.
I will never get tired of the gritty analog sound and compression it gives. I own tons of Tape emulating plugins, but you cant beat the real thing. Working with tapeloops is working with magic. You better record all the time because it will be lost in the moment in you dont. If the tape breaks (and it often does). Its gone! There is no ”AppleZ”. Just like life itself!


17-1-2020, Gothenburg

Gothenburg Filmfestival 2020 is one week away. And i am involved in two Worldpremieres! The first film is a Fiction/Feature/Drama, 103 min by David Färdmar called ”ARE WE LOST FOREVER”. I did all the Sound editing, Foley, Fx and Finalmix. I also composed a little music.

The other film is a 14 min Short/Documentary by Johanna Bernhardsson called ”OCEANS OF TIME”. Same thing here! I did all the sound and created some music.

Get your tickets here:


Montemarte, Paris/France, 2019-12-19

Im now dissapering into the big city of Paris. Escaping Christmas. Here in Montemarte, im prepearing som new noise and beats for exiting projects coming up 2020. Films, Exibitions, Installations and Contemporary dance. Sweden, Denmark and USA.
And of course im also making Crépes for a special person…


26.10.2019, Topanga,US,C.A

Im on a secret mission in the States. With a grant from Swedish arts grants committee i am travelling around recording sounds and doing research for future projects to come.
The truth is out there…


Gotheburg 25-9-2019

I woke up to a textmessage 4.55 AM from Manhattan, New York. It was Ola Christoffersson. Photographer and Editor at SVT.s ”Uppdrag granskning”. They had just received an Emmy Award for the documentary about the murder on the Swedish UN-worker Zaida Catalan 2017 in Kongo.
I wrote the Originalscore!
The Emmy Award is one of the finest prices there is!
And its also the first time in history that a Swedish Uppdrag Granskning grabs an Emmy!
Unfortunately i couldnt make it to New York because im stuck with a featurefilm here in Gothenburg. But i have been working with SVT and Uppdrag Granskning for some 12 years now, and its an honor to keep contributing to this highly important program by designing the tone of it.
Im so proud of being a part of this Emmy.
Congratulations. Well done!
Ola Christoffersson, Axel-Gordh Humlesjö and Ali Fegan.



A feature called ”ARE WE LOST FOREVER” has landed in the Escapisimo kitchen. And it is cooking. Its a film by David Färdmar. A 91 min long Drama. Im doing the complete sound editing, sound design, foley and soundmix. The premiere is set for 2020.



”Al-qaida prisoner” is now availible at SVT-play. And today it will also have premiere on SVT1. I wrote the score using my guitarviola for the first time. And then i took care of the sound editing/mix. A international version for Netflix is also on its way.



Its time for the Swedish ”Emmy awards” TV Kristallen.
I scored Originalmusic for two of the nominated films in the ”Investigation” category –
Uppdrag gransknings ”FN och Mörkläggningen” and ”Swedbank och penningtvätten”.

Im very proud as a Composer of being part of these two teams!
Bad ass Journalists, Photographers, Editors and Researchers of Uppdrag Granskning SVT –
Ali Fegan, Axel Gordh Humlesjö, Ella Hoph Berger, Ola Christoffersson, Joachim Dyfvermark,
Linda Larsson Kakuli, Markus Junghard, Fredrik Laurin, Marcos Hellberg, Åke Wehrling,
Henrik Bergsten, Nils Hanson and Per Agerman.



Im part of a funny shortfilmproject created by SVT! Called ”Dom kallar oss” and contains ten 4,5 min films by ten different directors. Im working with the supertalented Director Rebecka Rasmusson and Editor Bernhard Winkler with a film named ”The Wild Bunch”. A lot of action and laughter. Im writing the music and taking care of the sound mix. Premier later this fall on SVT. Here is a little more info about the project. (in Swedish)



Today it became official that Uppdrag gransknings documentary ”FN och mörkläggningen” is being nominated for an Emmy award in the category ”Current Affairs”. Its about the murder on Swedish UN-Worker Zaida Catalan 2017 in Kongo. I composed the originalscore using my GuitarViola. This is huge! The ceremony will take place in New York 24.th of September.



Here is an overexposed iphonepic from my last adventure in Italy! I just got back from Bassano del Grappa where Fabio Liberti and Jernej Bizjak performed ”Dont´kiss”. Such a lovely city with the mountains and river. And very exiting to see my music live for the first time!
A very special friend/colleague Efva Lilja dropped by as a suprise!
Late night sitting on the sidewalk listening to crickets sipping Aperol spritz.
Making plans for new adventures to come.

From the left: Jernej Bizjak, Fabio Liberti, Evfa Lilja and moi.


14-7-2019, Gothenburg

I just got back from Berlin where i was working with a new exiting Max Andersson project.
And right now im finishing the sounddesign/mix with ”Sahara prison” a documentary for SVT, wich i also made the music for earlier this year. A lot of Guitarviola in it!
I am also currently composing for another documentary called ARICA. Produced by Laika film & television. A follow up for ”TOXIC PLAYGROUND”. Right now its on its way to IDFA.
The one and only Rebecka Rasmusson is back with a 4,5 min film called ”The wild bunch”. Also SVT. Im writing the music and also taking care of the soundmix for her. Doing a colab there with the drummer from the band LOK on that one.
Im also booked with two performances as a Composer for Italian Choreographer Fabio Liberti. Both having premier and residencys next year. The 28/7 im flying to Venice, Italy to see him and Jernej Bizjak perform ”Dont´kiss” with my music in the tiny town of Bassano di Grappa. Really looking forward to that!
Just like im very much looking forward going to Los Angeles 14 Oct to collect som sounds for a new Tova Mozard film… Work work work.
Or is it? I cant always tell.


Arhus, DK, 2018-11-01

The residency in Aarhus is now over. Here is a picture from the rehersalstudio with me from the left then Fabio and Emanuele. Big thank you to Performing Art Platform and Fabio, Emanuele that invited me. Now its halfway there. Time for the second part… It might be in Italy next time. Who knows? It sure was fun. God bless Denmark.


Gothenburg, 06.09.2018

Im going to be a part of the CONNECTIONS 2018 Residency in Aarhus, Denmark between the 19th oct to 1st nov. Hosted by the PERFORMING ARTS PLATFORM. Invited by Choreographer Fabio Liberti i will be composing music and sounddesigning his upcoming piece “Depersonalization” that he will perform together with Emanuele Rosa. Its a huge honor to be invited to experiment and develop this extremely interesting performance with these two shooting stars.
The newly established collaboration between choreographers/dancers Fabio Liberti (DK/IT) and Emanuele Rosa (IT) will use their residency to research, explore and create around a phenomenon called “Depersonalization” – a disturbing experience that can occur to anyone who is subject to temporary anxiety or stress. “One finds himself outside his own body and individuality. Two entities of the same existing person, unable to communicate between one another. Two different time frames, both caught in the void between past and present. The images hardly seem to belong to the same instant. Thoughts and acts elude the self and become unfamiliar. The project intends to investigate the out-of-the-body- experience through the body itself and explore it within space and time; but also to question the concept of personal unity that the individual identifies with. What if we are not one unit?”.
CONNECTIONS (2017-2019) is a residency program for emerging professional choreographers based in Denmark in joint residencies with  choreographers based abroad. Throughout their joint program they commit to assist, push, inspire and challenge each other artistically – and to engage with the wider community; scholars, cultural life, business, creative entrepreneurship, educational institutions, etc. Performing Arts Platform’s mission is to facilitate meetings, make connections and create an inspiring framework for these interactions to take place. The participating artists are not expected to produce a finished work during their residency, but to develop material, seek inspiration and explore new methods and new collaborative opportunities across disciplines and across the region. Each group finishes their stay with a final sharing session that is open to the public. CONNECTIONS is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Central Denmark Region, Bikubenfonden and the City of Aarhus to contribute to a continuous vibrant and dynamic performing arts sector in the region.


Manhattan, New York, 27-9-2018

I ´m in New York for a two week residence. Working, listening and formatting my brain for the winter. In an apartment on Lower east side, Manhattan. As a member of The Swedish Society of Songwriters, Composers and Authors – SKAP, i have the great privilege to do so. I had two magic evenings at the Metrograph on Ludlow street just one block from where i live with the amazing filmmaker Larry Clark. I saw Bully and his latest release Marfa girl 2. Larry was there both evenings and had a Q&A the last night with two of the actors.


5-7-2018, Gothenburg

Right now im preparing the film ”Gallok” for SVT by turning the norwegian made Cinemamix into a TVmix. Gallok is a film by Truls Anderssen about a man called Tor Tourda who is a activist fighting against the planned ironmine in Gallok/Jokkmokk. I also served as locationsound one summer up there. And i wrote all the music! Premiere on SVT later this year.


Gothenburg, 2018-06-10

The soundpost of ”Yustinas revenge” by director Isabella Carbonell in on! Most of the music i have already done so right now im doing the dialogue and after that the fun will start with building the environment and effects. There is a massive actionscene that im looking forward to… Kill Bill´style. There will be two versions of this feature. One 13 min and one 17 min. Premiere later this year on SVT and all the festivals later. Stay tuned! Its gonna be something special…


Gothenburg, 20.02.2018

Once again i have been tweaking sounds and music for the Swedish Television ”Uppdrag granskning”. This time for a double episode about Christer Pettersson. The suspect for the killing of the Swedish Prime minsister Olof Palme in 1986. I have been working closely with Editor Ola Christoffersson since December with this. There is also brilliant photo by Kim Silfving. Investigative reporters are Alex Gordh-Humlesjö and Bo-Göran Bodin. Its also availible on SVTplay as a 6 episodes miniseries HERE. Foto: SVT.


Gothenburg 11.02.2018

Here is a picture i took yesterday night on location from Isabella Carbonells film ”Yustinas journey”. Its been shot this week here in Gothenburg. Isabella (to the right) is giving actor IIirjeta Bara instructions. Its also cooking here in the Escapisimo studio with music and sound as we speak! This will be something very special…
Premiere later this year.


Gothenburg 12-12-2017

Uppdrag granskning won the ”Global investigation of the year” prize at the British Journalism Awards with the coverage of the French UN-soldiers ”Abuse at the UN”. By Karin Mattisson, Joachim Dyfwermark and Ola Christoffersson. The judges said: “The UN is a big target and this investigation had huge impact. They found tand interviewed the victims in the Central African Republic, chased down the guilty parties and held those responsible to account.”
I composed the originalmusic!


Gothenburg 28-11-2017

A new exiting film just landed on my table. Its a featureshort by the very talanted director Isabella Carbonell. My part is going to be composing music, sound design, creating foley and mixing. Its a lovely challenge. Quiet complex in its structure. But that is just the way i like it! So right now im composing bits of music, tweaking sounds for the int/ext mind of Yustina while reading the script. The film will have premiere 2018. Stay tuned!
Yustina’s sister Polina is missing. She left their rural village in Kosovo to find work for them in a land far far away…The land they call Sweden. But then the letters stopped coming. Yustina knows that she has to go look for her. Her journey will be filled with danger and foreign places so in order to cope with a brutal reailty she uses her imagination to create her own world.
A world where the people that has imprisoned her sister are monsters that only she, using her magical powers, can defeat…


Gothenburg, 14-11-2017

Right now im working on the sounddesign for Tova Mozards film COPS/ACTORS. The exhibition can be seen at CH Gallery, Stockholm until 16 Dec. Premiere on thursday. More info HERE from SVT Kulturnyheterna.


Los Angeles 10-9-2017

My second and last trip filming in the US desert has now been done. The journey will now continue with sound, music, foley, dialog, atmospheres and everything that sounds back in the ESCAPISIMO studio in Sweden. Like a Detective i will now study the pictures on the wall to see how they connect. As i write music and cut sounds… This is a long gone experimentfilm that I’ve been working on for a few years now. Slowly developing on its own without a written script. Like dreams. The idea is to work with visuals like i work with composing music. Letting the pictures find the sound instead of putting sound and music to picture. I find it very exiting to find out what will happen next…


Gothenburg 2017-7-29

Right now I’m composing music, creating foley and mixing the film ”AGILITY”.
A 15 min film by Henrik Zammel and Maida Krak.
”In an secluded house far away from civilisation, a few dysfunctional women lives, as they are trained by Charlotte, a leading pedagog. When a women dressed as a mysterious western hero arrives, the social roles starts to rock and Charlotte has to take action”
AGILITY is an ultra modern western about loosing the power over ones identity.
Planned International premiere is set to 2018.


Gothenburg, 2017-7-13

The past three days a new film by Max Andersson has come alive with a massive sounddesign in my studio. FLAT DOG TOWN is a 6min short animation shot by Max in Berlin. The premiere is planned later this year. More details will follow. A new classic is born!


Gothenburg 27-05-2017

Jecklin Audioline Om1

I went out and tested two new mics, a matched pair of Swedish Lineaudio Om1 with a Jecklindisc in stereo. And my god how beautiful it sounds… I really recommend these for ATM and FOLEY.

A Jecklin Disk is a sound-absorbing disk placed between two microphones to create an acoustic ”shadow” from one microphone to the other. The resulting two signals can possibly produce a pleasing stereo effect. A matching pair of small-diaphragm omnidirectional microphones is always used with a Jecklin disk.


27-04-2017, Gothenburg.
Sarah Varberg 2
Once again i dust of my filmgear and shoot a livepromo for the shooting young star Sarah Klang. Location – Old Theatre, Varberg, Sweden.
This photo was taken by me with my favorite ”Fujifilm X100T” on stage.




Den internationella granskningen av Panamadokumenten, där Uppdrag gransknings team spelade en viktig roll, belönas med Pulitzerpriset. Det prestigefyllda amerikanska priset offentliggjordes i går kväll på Columbia University i New York.
Panamadokumenten uppmärksammades i två kategorier,
som finalist i ”International reporting” och som vinnare i ”Explanatory Reporting”.
Uppdrag granskning avslöjade hur Skandinaviens största bank Nordea hjälpt sina rikaste kunder att gömma undan pengar i skatteparadis. Uppdrag gransknings team stod också, tillsammans med sin isländske kollega Jóhannes Kr. Kristjansson, bakom den uppmärksammade intervjun med den isländske statsministern, som ledde till att statsminstern tvingades avgå och nyval utlystes på Island. Uppdrag gransknings reportrar Sven Bergman och Joachim Dyfvermark utgjorde det svenska teamet i den internationella granskningen av Panamadokumenten. // SVT: 11 april 2017.
Jag skrev originalmusik till den svenska delen!


Gothenburg 2017-3-6
Per-Henrik Mäenpää

Right now I’m composing music and sound designing a new exhibition/shortfilm by DirectorJohanna Bernhardsson called ”All her ages”. Its a experimental documentary where I’m trying to sound design the inner life of her 91 year old grandma May, with a complex soundscape.


Jokkmokk 2016-12-16


Every now and then i do some location sound. This is me capturing 4000 reindeers running in Jokkmokk way up in northern Sweden. The sound was amazing…


Köpenhamn 20-11-2016


Jag har spenderat två dagar på Den Danske filmskole i Köpenhamn med tunga ljuddesigners och deras ödmjuka, generösa tankar kring sitt arbete. Tim Nielsen(US): Lord of the rings, There will be blood. Gisle Tveito(NO): Louder than bombs, Turist. Nicolas Becker(FR): Gravity, The pianist, American honey. Frank Kruse(DE): Cloud Atlas, Citizen four, Rush. Väldigt inspirerande och ett stort tack till Rune Palving och Peter Albrecthsen som anordnade detta. Så viktigt att bli påmind då och då om varför man jobbar med film.


Göteborg 19-8-2016

Kristallen 2016
///Foto: SVT-TRI ART

Den fjärde September delas Sveriges tyngsta TV-pris Kristallen ut i en direktsänd gala på kanal5. Det bästa inom Svensk TV ska belönas. Det är nu fjärde gången jag är med i kategorin ”Bästa dokumentär”. 2005 så vann vi med ”Lasermannen”. Sen nominerades vi med ”Hästmannen” och ”Kokvinnorna” åren därpå. Nu är det ”Taikon” som tävlar i ”Dokumentärklassen” och ”Panamadokumenten” med Uppdrag granskning i klassen ”Årets granskning”. Jag har skrivit musik till båda och till TAIKON har jag även gjort hela ljudläggningen och biomixen. Varje bidrag sållas och synas stenhårt av en utvald jury där dom speciellt tittar på hantverket. Vilket är extra kul för oss som jobbat hårt ”bakom” filmen med klippning, ljud, musik och ljus. Här kan man se filmen på SVTplay.
Den fjärde får vi se!


Stockholm 26-6-2016
Den 29:e är det SVT premiär för Amanda Leissners Moving SwedenDrama ”Bikupan”.
Den visas på SVT2, 21:45.
I torsdags så fanns jag och Amanda i mittuppslaget i Göteborgspostens Kulturdel.
Artikeln finns även på GP.se


Göteborg/Sockerbruket, 2016-6-9
Processen efter nya sätt att skapa ny intressant musik och ljuddesign fortsätter. Den senaste tiden har jag byggt på ett pedalboard med det bästa av det bästa! Ut genom min gamla rörVOXstärkare och tillbaka genom en BBC-Colebandmick så fångas det knastriga, pysande, väsande analoga som bara originalet kan skapa…en helt ny värld av spännande ljud har öppnats upp.


Göteborg 1-6-2016

Idag har HYMN premiär på en video med artisten Sarah Klang som jag har gjort!
Förutom att mixa musiken på singeln ”Sleep” så har jag även gjort den här videon.
Inget jag brukar göra i vanliga fall, men nu var jag bara tvungen.
Vi snackar om den nya Barbara Streisand här…
Jag har filmat, klippt och regisserat.


Göteborg 22-01-2016
Det är inte så ofta. Men ibland plockar jag fram karta och kompass och lämnar studion.
Denna gången begav det sig till SVT på andra sidan älven här i Göteborg. Där var jag först ut på deras seminariedag och pratade lite om hur jag jobbar och tänker kring ljuddesign och komposition.


4 Dec 2015, Göteborg


Igår fick jag möjlighet att testa mitt nya mobila Apollo Twinkort på den stora orgeln i St.Birgittas kapell, som ligger ca: 150 meter från studion här i Göteborg. Det finns ju ingenting som slår det organiska ljudet… Som det pyser och väser från piporna. Underbart! Det som lockade mest var baspedalerna. Som jag samplade noga innan avfärd. Dom var ett ett helt eget bygge i trä bakom ”huvudorgeln”. Jag har aldrig spelat på en kyrkorgel förut. Men efter detta (vilket jag misstänkte) så kommer jag aldrig ta i en samplad fuskorgel igen. Som sagt…eller som jag alltid sagt. Det måste vara organiskt. Även om det är elektroniskt. Detta var ett test för att se hur ljudet beter sig med dom mickar jag hade med mig. Innan jul så kommer jag ta en längre session och spela in långa kompletterande drones till filmen BIKUPAN som jag just nu komponerar musik till.


Per-Henrik Mäenpää
Göteborg 21-10-2015

Det händer nu. Jag skriver musik till BIKUPAN. En spelfilm av Amanda Leissner som kommer på SVT i vår. Jag tar även hand om hela ljudmixen där. Just nu försöker jag hitta formen genom att återuppfinna mig själv med alla gamla instrument i studion. Och det känns bra! Jag har dock gjort ett litet avbrott denna veckan för att ljudlägga KLINIKEN, en dokumentär om Lars Noréns pjäs på Folkteatern här i GBG, gjord av EVERYONE WE KNOW. Senare i december så väntar ett nytt spännande samarbete med Johanna Bernhardsson, Subjektobjekt. Och hennes 5 min film/installation ”Gå i barndom”. Som jag ska ljuddesigna och mixa. Det har även blivit officiellt att filmen ”The Tyrants friend” av Laika film och television ska visas på Al´Jazeera English. Vilket är stort då dom har 240 miljoner tittare…


Stockholm 28-9-2015


Igår var det premiärkalas och visning av filmen Taikon! Filmen invigdes av Kulturminister Alice-Bah Kunhke och bland gästerna fanns Rosa Taikon med familj och bäst av allt: Lill Lindfors. Jag (längst till höger) har alltså blivit applåderad av Lill Lindfors:) Nu kan jag dö.