Gothenburg, 06.09.2018

Im going to be a part of the CONNECTIONS 2018 Residency in Aarhus, Denmark between the 19th oct to 1st nov. Hosted by the PERFORMING ARTS PLATFORM. Invited by Choreographer Fabio Liberti i will be composing music and sounddesigning his upcoming piece “Depersonalization” that he will perform together with Emanuele Rosa. Its a huge honor to be invited to experiment and develop this extremely interesting performance with these two shooting stars.
The newly established collaboration between choreographers/dancers Fabio Liberti (DK/IT) and Emanuele Rosa (IT) will use their residency to research, explore and create around a phenomenon called “Depersonalization” – a disturbing experience that can occur to anyone who is subject to temporary anxiety or stress. “One finds himself outside his own body and individuality. Two entities of the same existing person, unable to communicate between one another. Two different time frames, both caught in the void between past and present. The images hardly seem to belong to the same instant. Thoughts and acts elude the self and become unfamiliar. The project intends to investigate the out-of-the-body- experience through the body itself and explore it within space and time; but also to question the concept of personal unity that the individual identifies with. What if we are not one unit?”.
CONNECTIONS (2017-2019) is a residency program for emerging professional choreographers based in Denmark in joint residencies with  choreographers based abroad. Throughout their joint program they commit to assist, push, inspire and challenge each other artistically – and to engage with the wider community; scholars, cultural life, business, creative entrepreneurship, educational institutions, etc. Performing Arts Platform’s mission is to facilitate meetings, make connections and create an inspiring framework for these interactions to take place. The participating artists are not expected to produce a finished work during their residency, but to develop material, seek inspiration and explore new methods and new collaborative opportunities across disciplines and across the region. Each group finishes their stay with a final sharing session that is open to the public. CONNECTIONS is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Central Denmark Region, Bikubenfonden and the City of Aarhus to contribute to a continuous vibrant and dynamic performing arts sector in the region.