Its time for the Swedish ”Emmy awards” TV Kristallen.
I scored Originalmusic for two of the nominated films in the ”Investigation” category –
Uppdrag gransknings ”FN och Mörkläggningen” and ”Swedbank och penningtvätten”.
Im very proud as a Composer of being part of these two teams!
Bad ass Journalists, Photographers, Editors and Researchers of Uppdrag Granskning SVT –
Ali Fegan, Axel Gordh Humlesjö, Ella Hoph Berger, Ola Christoffersson, Joachim Dyfvermark,
Linda Larsson Kakuli, Markus Junghard, Fredrik Laurin, Marcos Hellberg, Åke Wehrling,
Henrik Bergsten, Nils Hanson and Per Agerman.